Design Trend Feature of the Month
Just like everything else, interior design trends come and go. We are seeing in 2023 that trends have shifted from all-white, open-concept designs, to more mature, eclectic, with European elements. While we here at Gatewood Designs never want to follow trends too closely, we believe that the current trends are great core trends to go for and are inspired for longevity. We anticipate these trends to stick around for a long time.
Saturated Paint Colors
We are seeing a huge amount of saturated paint colors. particularly in bathrooms, offices, and built-in shelves. Color is not to be feared any longer.
Dramatic Stone Slabs
Heavily veined stone has been stealing the show and we ARE HERE FOR IT! We love incorporating unique and bold stone slabs in projects of our own. We have seen these dramatic slabs not only being used as countertops but also cascading down for a waterfall effect, continuing up and serving as the backsplash, and we’ve also seen them being used as tables and tabletops.
Mature & Eclectic Design
A more mature and eclectic design is in and here to stay. We are seeing more vintage and antique pieces being brought in and used to style a space. Not only does it create a more cozy and inviting space, but it provides a visual interest with a story to tell.
Earthy Tones
Lots of earth tones such as blues, browns, and greens are now heavily being used. Earth tones are calming natural colors that can be used to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The great thing about using earth tones in your home is that it’s a trend that will never go out of style. They also tend to be the easiest to work with in terms of pairing and styling other pieces and making everything feel cohesive.
High Gloss
Instead of a more matte finish, which we are used to seeing and using, high gloss is coming in and making a statement. High gloss wood finishes can provide a more interesting aspect and provide a wow statement to a design.
Unique and Bold Lighting
Lighting can really bring so much character and personality to a space. We are seeing more bold and more unique light fixtures being used. We like to think of lighting as the “jewelry” of the room. It can completely transform the look and feel of a room.
Are you ready to add any of these here-to-stay trends to your space? Let’s connect!